Growing The
Future of Farming
Since 1999

Maine Farmland Trust protects farmland, supports farmers, and advances the future of farming. Our goal is to protect Maine farmland and revitalize Maine’s rural landscape by keeping agricultural lands working and helping farmers and communities thrive.

Farmers harvesting lettuce and other vegetables.

"The best land trust in the Northeast - their programs get farmers on the land."

Katia Holmes

Misty Brook Farm, Albion

Meet our new President & CEO, Stacy Brenner!

Stacy Brenner has been engaged with Maine Farmland Trust for 20 years, leveraging Maine FarmLink to find the Scarborough property where she and her husband established Broadturn Farm, participating in MFT’s farm business planning programs, and serving on our Board of Directors from 2017 until 2022, when she joined our staff as Senior Advisor for Farmland Access. Now, Stacy has stepped into another role at Maine Farmland Trust: President & CEO!

How We Help


Maine farmland is the foundation for thriving farm businesses, communities, and rural economies, and is necessary to ensure that more Mainers can access healthy, local food.


Thriving farm businesses feed Maine's local communities and economy and keep farmland in farming, but farmers can't go it alone.


Farming is fundamental to the health of our communities, food security, and economy. For farms to thrive, we need a social, economic, and political landscape that values farming.


Maine farmland is the foundation for thriving farm businesses, communities, and rural economies, and is necessary to ensure that more Mainers can access healthy, local food.
Person preparing mulch


MFT is working closely with the state and many other partners to increase testing, research, and support for Maine farmers who may be impacted by PFAS in Maine. We’ll continue to share information and resources as they become available.

The farmers at Balfour Farm with their cheese-making equipment.
Grant Awardees

Balfour Farm

Doug and Heather Donahue of Balfour Farm in Pittsfield are one of our 2023 Implementation Grant awardees. Through MFT's Farming for the Long Haul program, Doug and Heather built a business plan to increase efficiency in cutting and packaging aged cheeses so they can expand the success of their business. Their Implementation Grant supports the purchase of a cheese portioning machine that will help them meet the needs of their growing wholesale customers.

"The planning mentorship and tools we received from MFT through the program honed our management skills and made a significant difference in the operations of the farm. Working on pricing showed us that packaging cheese was one of the places we could streamline our operation, and we investigated ways to mechanize some of the process. This is a step forward for our business that wouldn’t have been possible without the assistance of MFT.”