An anonymous family has generously offered to double gifts to Maine Farmland Trust from now through December 31, up to $250,000, to help celebrate our 25-year anniversary. Your donation today will have twice the impact in protecting and stewarding farmland, supporting farmers, and advancing the future of farming in Maine.
Click here to watch our newest video and hear farmers Jim Buckle and Hannah Hamilton of the Buckle Farm in Unity describe the challenges farmers are up against, how they've grown their farm's success with support from a host of Maine Farmlwand Trust programs along the way, and reflect on what it takes to grow resilience over the long haul.
When you join us at Maine Farmland Trust, your support is about so much more than protecting farmland and supporting farmers: you're proactively building resilience across farmland, farmers, farm businesses, our communities, and our food systems – so that local farms can thrive now and into the future.
Together we can make real progress protecting and stewarding farmland, increasing access to affordable farmland, and supporting farmers, so that we can all reap the benefits of a vibrant food and farm economy.