Three MFT land protection projects were recently granted funds from Land for Maine's Future, a state land conservation program funded through voter-approved bonds. This funding will help conserve 282 acres of very productive farmland. We are especially pleased that these projects include farmland in rapidly developing areas and will help make the transfer process more affordable for the next generation of farmers.
The LMF board, which includes state officials and private citizens appointed by the governor, reviews proposals and grants matching funds to conservation projects that provide the greatest public benefit. On July 15, 2014, in partnership with MFT and other regional land protection organizations, LMF awarded funds for 30 projects. It is the first time since 2010 that the organization has awarded grant money.
Nezinscot Farm in North Turner, Maine, was chosen for its prime farmland soils. Protecting their 177 acres will allow them to continue to grow their diversified organic farm, and plan for the future. Parker Farm in North Berwick is protecting 27 acres of farmland as a part of a larger conservation effort in a rapidly developing area. And an easement on Wormell Farm in Cumberland Center will allow the 78 acre organic dairy stay a contiguous, working farm long into the future
We're excited to partner with LMF, the Maine Department of Agriculture, and farmers to protect farmland in the state. Land is indeed critical to Maine's future.