Member Voices: "Why I support MFT": Part Two

Member Voices: "Why I support MFT": Part Two

March 23, 2017


Ellen Sabina

We say it all the time: Our members make our work possible.

MFT members are people who recognize the importance of protecting farmland and helping farmers thrive. They care about the resiliency of Maine’s rural economy, and the sustainability of our environment. They are farmers, future-farmers, business owners, eaters, conservationists, advocates, policymakers, artists, community-builders, foodies, and people who love Maine. They are people like YOU.

There are so many reasons to join MFT. Hear from a few of our members why they choose to be part of this work.

If you believe in this work, consider joining this community of members who actively support the future of farming in Maine and who are laying the foundation for a sustainable future. We can’t do it without you. If you’re not yet a member, please join us today.

Gary and Rosie Bensen: Newcastle, members since 2008

"We support Maine Farmland Trust because, as longtime home gardeners, we believe in the countless health benefits of good local products and the deep value of preserving and restoring farmland in our state. We love the way the Trust is making it possible for a new generation of farmers to get started and sustain farms throughout Maine."

Claire DeSantis: Portland, member since 2016

"I became a member of Maine Farmland Trust and have been volunteering with them because MFT works to protect the vibrant farming community that makes Maine such a unique and wonderful place to live. When I was considering how to involve myself in the greater Portland population, it only made sense to me that I would work with an organization dedicated to preserving something so vital."

Doug Fox: Unity, member since 2006

"I’m an educator working with students studying local agriculture. We take a problem-based, solution focused approach, organizing our study of agriculture around overcoming barriers to local, sustainable food production and distribution. MFT is a model for my students of intelligent, creative, productive solution-seeking--inspiring students’ work and hopes for a sustainable future."

Jacob DiGirolamo: Union, monthly member since 2015

"It has been said that this is a rare moment in history where so few are making decisions for so many, and rather poorly at that.  I support Maine Farmland Trust because they are working to preserve the regional agrarian skills and resources that we have only temporarily forgotten the importance of. With any luck, and thanks in part to MFT, there may still be some workable land and the wisdom to work it when we get our act together."

Don Newell: Unity, member since 2002

"I have been a real estate professional for 42 years and have witnessed the benefits to everyone when land is applied to its highest and best use.  I don’t know of a better way to preserve quality farmland for its highest and best use than to support MFT."

Brett & Sarah Johnson: Belfast, member since 2016

"We moved to mid-coast Maine from Oklahoma because we wanted to be involved in the farming and food culture of the region. Part of our process in determining where we wanted to relocate involved the discovery of the Maine Farmland Trust, and through that discovery, realizing that agriculture as an industry is highly valued by the people of Maine. It is our hope that in the years to come we will continue to learn from the farmers and food professionals of the region.

"If you believe in this work, consider joining this community of members who actively support the future of farming in Maine and who are laying the foundation for a sustainable future.  We can’t do it without you. If you’re not yet a member, please join us today.

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