August 28, 2017
Ellen Sabina
On August 16, Thayden and Nora Farrington protected their 380-acre dairy farm with an agricultural easement through MFT. Thayben Farm sits on two parcels in Jay and Wilton, and the couple inherited the farm from Thayden's father. The Farringtons made the decision to protect the farm from development as they prepare to pass the farm on to their granddaughter.
Thayben Farm has always been a dairy farm and Thayden transitioned to organic production 12 years ago, now selling milk to Organic Valley Cooperative. The Farringtons grow hay and balage on the 100 + acres of tillable ground. There was once an orchard on the farm and the family grew corn off and on over the years. The southern parcel sits on Spruce Mountain and has beautiful views of the surrounding hills and mountains. The property extends up to the top of Spruce Mountain and was previously used as a ski hill.
We are honored to be part of making sure that this family farm will remain available for farming for future generations!